Local jobs for Cobram as JBS reopens facility

On Monday the 6th of February, JBS Foods Australia reopened its red meat processing facility in Cobram, Victoria, after a five-year pause in production.

To celebrate the return of red meat processing and 150 direct jobs in Cobram, JBS hosted a family fun day on Saturday the 4th of February, at Barooga Gold View Motel, where families enjoyed food and dancing.

To recommence production, JBS actively recruited workers from the Cobram region, with the goal of employing as many locals as possible in the initial 150 jobs.

JBS also invested $20 million in the Cobram facility to build the capability to scale up production, with management hoping to grow the number of employees to 350 in the future.

The plant will process lambs and goats for the domestic market and North America, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, following an increased demand for Australia’s high-quality red meat.

JBS Foods Australia Southern chief executive Sam McConnell hopes there will be a boost to Cobram’s local economy following the company’s reopening.

Mr McConnell said, “JBS Australia is proud to reopen its Cobram facility to support jobs and economic growth in the local community.”

“Market conditions and increasing demand for lamb products has allowed us to invest in this fit-for-purpose facility, which will partner with local businesses and livestock producers to deliver Australian lamb, mutton and goat to domestic and international consumers,” said Mr McConnell.

Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, Chris Taylor, said that the news of JBS’ reopening in Cobram showed the industry’s commitment to jobs in regional communities while providing another example of the demand for Australia’s high-quality red.

Mr Taylor said, “it is great to hear that JBS has created 150 jobs in Cobram, which is fantastic news for the local employees and the wider region, its businesses and farmers.”

“Red meat processors are often one of the largest employers in the regional towns, and the growing international reputation of our high-quality products creates more jobs in places like Cobram.”

Red meat processors work with farmers and local businesses to deliver the high-quality products loved at home and abroad, which is something to be proud of in Cobram and across Australia,” said Mr Taylor.


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