International Women’s Day Celebrated by More to Meat
This year, the More to Meat campaign is proud to celebrate the incredible women who work in red meat processing.
Our industry is diverse, and women are an important part of the workforce.
Today, we’re promoting three women who work at red meat processors across Australia.
Sumara, Kalani, and Michelle show the diversity available in red meat processing.
Women in red meat processing are labourers and quality assurance officers, to jobs that require a university education or a trade.
On International Women’s Day, More to Meat recognises the women who are making strides in the red meat processing industry.
Great work Sumara, Kalani, and Michelle!
These are just some examples of the many women across Australia doing amazing work in red meat processing.
To see more stories or to find out more about the red meat processing industry, like and follow the More to Meat Facebook page and Instagram account.